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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Want a new adventure? Aged 14 - 24? Want to gain highly recognised awards?

For those aged 14+For those aged 15+For those aged 16+
Volunteering Section: 3 months

Physical Section: 3 months

Skills Section: 3 months

Expedition Section: 2 days/1 night

Volunteering Section: 6 months

Physical Section: either 6 or 3 months (vice versa

with Skills section)

Skills Section: either 6 or 3 months (vice versa with

Physical section)

Expedition Section: 3 days/2 nights

Volunteering Section: 12 months

Physical Section: 12 or 6 months (vice versa

with Skills section)

Skills Section: 12 or 6 months (vice versa with

Physical section)

Expedition Section: 4 days/3 nights

Residential Section: 5 days / 4 nights

*plus 3 more months for either

Volunteering, Physical or Skill section

*If you didn't do Bronze, you must complete an 

extra 6 months in Volunteering or the longer of
your Physical or Skills Section

*If you didn't do Silver, you must complete an 

extra 6 months in Volunteering or the longer of
your Physical or Skills Section

Why do DofE? Why in Scouts?

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a highly respected achievement, both in the UK and internationally. Completing the award is not only great fun, but also a fantastic way to try new things and meet new people. Being Scouts, you will take part in most of the activities week in week out, so why not gain extra recognition for it.

Completing the DofE through Scouts is fantastic, not only is it often cheaper and easier than completing it elsewhere, you will also gain 2 awards for the price of 1. Each level of the DofE is matched with a Chief Scout's or Queen's Scout Award, so why not do both!!

How do I register?

Registration for the DofE award is coordinated through Kent Scouts, it is really quick and easy and the form can be found here.

If you are already completing your award elsewhere (e.g. through School) and would like to continue with it through Scouts, please get in touch with the District DofE team.

Over 25?

If you are over 25, don't worry, you can still get involved. Although you are too old to complete the awards, it is never too late to be involved with the awards. We are always looking for volunteers to help mentor, train, supervise and assess expedition participants.

This is a perfect way to stay involved with the awards after completing Gold, reaching 25 or even if you have never done them before and would like to help others achieve their awards.

Full support and training will be provided, so please get in touch for more information.


For any questions or queries regarding the awards, or how to get involved, please contact the District DofE team via email: dofe@mallingscouts.org.uk

Useful websites

Kent Scouts DofE


Scouts Top Awards

Scout logo

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Malling Scouts

Malling District Scout Council

Registered Charity 308139