Leader information
Leaders are a key part of the trip; without you, the trip will not be possible!
The trip is open to Scouts and Explorers, but you DO NOT need to be a Scout or Explorer leader to come along as part of the leadership team!
More information can be found in the information pack here.
After reading the information, if you have any queries, please contact: kandersteg@mallingscouts.org.uk
If you are interested in coming along as a leader, please get in touch with us via email: kandersteg@mallingscouts.org.uk
What happens next?
We will confirm places for leaders via email, which will include a link to the registration portal. Please complete your registration as soon as possible to secure your place.
In the next few weeks, we will provide more information regarding deposit payments, payment schedules and next steps for the trip.
View the payment plan for Adult Volunteers.