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Excalibur Scout Network

Excalibur Network is for those of you who grew up, but didn't grow out of Scouting! We welcome all 18-25 year olds from within the area.

Not sure whether Network is for you? The best way is to come and join us to find out! 

How does it work?

We aim to meet as a Network once a month.

We have a WhatsApp group with all our members where we send out information about what we are up to, along with various other important things!

We do a variety of activities, whether it's adventurous or in the pub, there is something for everyone!

What does it cost?

If you would like to come along for a few sessions and see how you find our Network, the only costs associated are the activities themselves (if they have an associated cost, for example, climbing).

There is no cost just for checking it out

However, if you decide you want to join, we have an £8 fee. This buys you an Excalibur Scarf, Name tapes and a Network uniform badge.

How can I join?

We have many people on hand who are ready to assist you, speak to any of the following, either by email or WhatsApp:

Tom Llewellyn

District Youth Lead



Matt Paramor

District 14-24 Team Leader


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Malling Scouts

Malling District Scout Council

Registered Charity 308139