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Charlie Girling Bursary Fund

The Fund

This fund is designed to provide opportunities to any youth member, from Squirrels to Network, of Malling Scouts who would otherwise miss out on an activity or trip due to financial circumstances. This could be a camp or activity day/trip run by their own Group/Unit or by the District. As requested by the Girling family, this fund cannot be used for international camps or activities.

If a young person would benefit from the fund, they or their parent/carer should talk to their Section Leader. A Section Leader should talk to their line manager (Group Lead Volunteer, or in case of Explorers, the 14-24 Team Leader) initially to agree that a request to the fund is appropriate.

The line manager will then access an electronic form, which will allow the submission to the Fund to take place. The application will be reviewed by a minimum of two members of the Fund Team, one of which must be the District Youth Lead. All applications must have the final approval of the District Lead Volunteer. If approved, the District Treasurer will arrange payment from the Fund to the Group or Unit. No payment will be made directly to a youth member or their family.

If there is any application for a single member which exceeds a value of £500 then this application would be reviewed by the Team as usual and referred to the District Trustee Board before final approval would be given. It is the aim that all applications are reviewed and decisions made within 21 days, except on the basis of a referral needing to be made to the District Trustee Board, which would take place at the next meeting.

To access the electronic form to make an application, please click here.

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Malling Scouts

Malling District Scout Council

Registered Charity 308139